Australia Day Congress on SAT 25th January

A perfect warm-up for the upcoming national congress in Gold Coast! Avoid the road closure on Australia Day, the congress will be held on Saturday 25th January 2025, 10.00am start. There will be 2 sessions – 3 matches in the morning, then break for lunch, and another 3 matches in the afternoon, finish with the end of congress refreshment. Australia Day themed refreshments throughout the day and a delicious light lunch will be included.

We plan to run two separate fields for Open and Novice & Restricted players if table number allows. Please indicate your preference when enter, or you will be placed in the field according to masterpoints rankings.

Prize money will depend on the number of entries. If sufficient entries, cash prizes will be awarded to place getters and there will be a restricted category. Wine prizes are also usually provided but will depend on entries.

  • Date: Saturday 25th January 2025
  • Time: 10.00am start – about 5.00pm
  • Venue: Sydney Bridge Centre, Level 1, 162 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills
  • Entry Fee: $65 per player (a delicious lunch included, please inform us your dietary restriction)
  • Please find details on the flyer. Please enter via MyABF

Fancy for a good game but partner is not available? Please contact Wing on for match making. 

Alternatively, you can enter yourself with TBA to start with. This will help other available players finding you too!

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