Category Archives: Weekly Wisdom

SBC Spring Teams Congress (28th Sept) – What would the defenders have done if…..?

Because Monday 7th Oct was a public holiday there was no session at Canada Bay.  The column will therefore instead feature a hand from the Sydney Bridge Centre Spring Teams congress which was held on Saturday 28th September. This is … Continue reading

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The power of redouble!

City and Canada Bay – Monday Morning 30th September 2024. Board 21 saw most East West pairs playing in 4♥ and most made it. But on a normal auction they will probably have passed up an enormous opportunity! The normal … Continue reading

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Slams and Sacrifices

City and Canada Bay – Monday Morning 23rd September 2024. Board 12 last week saw an enormous 12 card heart fit for East West and a possible slam for North South. A large proportion of the field played in 4♠, … Continue reading

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Raising with 3 card support

City and Canada Bay – Monday Morning 16th September 2024. On Board 10 last week West faced a decision that’s pretty common.  Do you raise partner with only 3 card support or do you bid another suit? East will pass … Continue reading

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Missing Game

City and Canada Bay – Monday Morning 9th September 2024. On board 10 last week East West had a combined 26 points and could in fact make slam.  But a lot of pairs played the hand in a part score.  Let’s see … Continue reading

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